Operations introduction
Plan, manage and organize related academic activities for distance courses, provide education services developed for distance courses, core technologies for e-Learning platform, Web-based education models, and research on distance education. The main content of operations is as follows:
- Assistance and promotion for the development distance courses.
- Establishment and management of the e-Learning platform.
- Production plans and transmission of the content of Cyber Channel.
- Establishment and management of the education and meeting audio and visual equipment.
- Lending and management of audio and visual equipment.
- Promotion of open education resources.
- Other research, development and services related to digital learning and education science.
- Application for distance education:
To provide students with diversified channels for learning and to promote academic exchanges and resource sharing, Tamkang University has established the "Distance Education Development Committee" in accordance with the "Implementation Regulations Regarding Distance Learning by Universities" of the Ministry of Education to plan the development of distance education and to promote the opening of courses in distance education.
Applications for the opening of distance courses should be filed in accordance with Tamkang University's "Application Procedure for Distance Education" which requires the hiring of a certified teacher and an education plan to be submitted for review by the "Distance Education Development Committee" and the "University Courses Committee," and carried out after approval in an Academic Affairs Meeting and notifying the Ministry of Education for future reference.
Applications for distance courses for the next school year should be submitted after the second week of the second semester in each school year. For detailed dates, please refer to the announcement on the surveys of the first semester.
- Grants and awards for distance courses:
To encourage teachers in opening distance courses and enhance the quality and results of the University's distance courses, regulations for grants and awards have been established to include the production of teaching material and grants for Teaching Assistants for distance courses, as well as awards for excellent distance courses.
- Production of teaching material for distance courses:
Organize occasional workshops and consulting services in accordance with the requirement for the production of teaching material of the University's distance courses.
- Online Teaching Assistant training:
To increase the quality of the University's distance courses, workshops for competency of online Teaching Assistants are organized each semester to manage the status of implementation for online Teaching Assistants.
- MOE Courses certification:
Provide assistance and training services for the certification of distance courses by the Ministry of Education and certification of dedicated classes.
- Establishment and management of the e-Learning platform:
Management of servers and accounts for synchronous and non-synchronous e-Learning platforms, update students' registration accounts each semester, and management and maintenance of online course material and information.
- Education evaluation of distance courses:
Education evaluation of distance courses is conducted each semester on distance courses.
- Management and maintenance of classrooms and conference halls:
In charge of the planning, maintenance and repair of multimedia equipment on site as well as establishing an Internet and telephone system for reports for repairs to handle equipment issues.
In charge of supporting international or inter-university synchronous video events in distance education classrooms, language practice classrooms, and conference halls etc.
- Production and transmission of Cyber Channel:
Provide a transmission platform for education and administrative departments as well as teachers and students of the entire school. The programs are categorized into administrative affairs of the University, academic research, student activities, and information on call for papers, dedicated topic planning, and live broadcasts. Set up LCD TVs at the entrance of all buildings on campus to broadcast event information and programs.
- Cyber campus planning and management:
Cyber Campus is dedicated to providing more comprehensive learning services to the teachers and students of the University as well as to provide services and resources to increase the flow of information.